The Latest...


To Laurel's people, this is her husband, Michael. We want to give you a brief update. Each day is so full, it would be hard to give all the details.

I will sum it up by saying she spends a lot of each day in pain. Just today we are finally having some success with the newest medication. There is a tradeoff, though. Less pain also means less mental awareness and much more drowsiness. It is a huge blessing that she sleeps through the night.

She remains determined to keep moving. As of about a week ago, She can no longer get into bed by herself. But she can get out, and with my support and her walker, can walk to the bathroom or the front room to sit in the recliner. There is no more walking without assistance.

Hospice wants us to get a hospital bed, but Laurel does not want that yet. For me, it would be a huge step, signaling she is done moving forever. I won't like that moment, and hope it doesn't come to that.

She gathered the kids yesterday and shared a few loving thoughts with them. It was a beautiful experience. By the end of the day yesterday, we all hoped the Lord would call her home during the night. When she woke up this morning, she texted the kids "Still here!". It's so nice to see her personality shine through the mental fog periodically.

Well, there are so many thoughts and feelings swimming around, I'll just stop here. Can't say when the next update will be. Just know that everything possible is being done to keep her comfortable.

I will read any comments to her as she is able to hear them, but will probably not be responding.

You all have been so wonderful along this journey. Words really seem inadequate.



  1. Thank you for sharing the news with us, Michael. I am glad Laurel has all of the family surrounding her with love and support. I think of you every day, and pray for pain free days and peaceful feelings for you all.


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