Private Harp Concert, Sister Visit, Pain Relievers, Stairs, Green Curry

Three sisters visiting, hooray! Moderately easy read - Hello my friends, I know it's been a while. Just not comfy enough for much typing. Last Sunday our friend Dan Bolton played the harp for us over Zoom. He is a renaissance man and this is something he has recently learned to do. We loved it. Tuesday and Wednesday were wonderful with the visit of three of my sisters! They came from Washington, Texas, and Southern California. I lasted two hours the first day and three the second. I was surprised that I started crying when they first walked in. I shed a few tears during the visit but there was an abundance of laughter to balance that right out. We have a sisters and hubbies reunion in September, but who can be sure of what might happen between now and then. Another sister visited in April, and the last sister will visit in July after she and her husband return from their mission in New Zealand. I do have one more sister, but she's in heaven so...