Long-lasting NSAID, Thinking About Giving Up Soon, Bingeing Food Shows
Today I started a long-lasting NSAID (like ibuprofen) called Nabumetone. I have felt pretty good today, minimal discomfort, but a little sleepy. I'll take it! It lasts 12 hours so I'll take it twice a day. This evening, about an hour before it was time for the next one I was getting pretty uncomfy. I waited until the exact minute to take the next one. An hour and a half or two later I was still very uncomfy. I picked up the bottle of new nerve pain Rx, Gabapentin, thinking I might take one of those since it seemed like I was having nerve pain (burning across the back of my shoulders). The directions say to take it 3x per day and don't suddenly stop taking it without checking with your doctor. I guess it's not an as-needed drug. So instead, I had hubby put some CBD/THC cream in the right place and a few minutes later I was improved, yay. I think I'll get a bigger jar of that. I learned that the addition of THC to CBD makes it more effective.
A couple of days ago, it was a pretty emotional day, I told Michael that the next time I get my liver panel done, if the super high numbers (AST and ALT) haven't come down at all I might be tempted to finally give up. Meaning, forgetting about the 84 supplement pills I take every day, and eating whatever I want. This would not only bring me pleasure, but it would hurry things along and get me to where I seem to be going. He gently suggested we rename "giving up" with "changing the plan." Not having any more ideas of how to make myself well, the new name seemed pointless. He thought I could stop the supplements which could maybe give my body a break. I don't know if that's true, but I would love to not take them. Then we remembered the woman with triple-negative breast cancer who is being documented online didn't see a change until she had been taking Fenbendazole for 11 weeks. So, I should at least give it 11 weeks. Tomorrow (Wed) is 10 weeks. He also said this could still go either way so let's try to believe it's going to turn around. I will try to believe that but it's not what every sign post is telling me. Spine and rib pain, lump sizes, bruising over the lumps, liver numbers, etc.
Tomorrow I'll get my next blood draw for the liver panel. Not looking forward to an outing. At least I have the handicap placard and wheelchair now.
I've been bingeing food shows. My favorite is on Netflix, "Somebody Feed Phil." He travels around the world eating delicious foods, meeting people and sharing about the local area. Yes, I like to see people eating delicious food. Weird but true.
Here are photos of three things I eat every day. Hubby, who prepares all my food, made a smile in my oatmeal. 

- Rolled oats, almond butter, black or blueberries
- Carrots, red peppers, hummus
- Broccoli and cauliflower microwaved and topped with vegan parmesan cheeze (cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, a little salt)
Note - When you comment on my blog, I am seeing your comments but it's getting harder to answer so I may not. I still love seeing them, though. Thank you.
You guys are such a great team. Thanks for sharing your ups and downs on this crazy road. Praying that you see Jesus no matter what. Speaking of, have you binged The Chosen yet? Download the app The Chosen. Besides the episodes there is also a ton of extra content on making the show, interviewing the actors, and even a panel of theologians debating parts of the show (in love, of course! :-) ) Next livestream is tomorrow night, for season 4, episode 5. It's so well done, I'm definitely a fan.
ReplyDeleteNo need to reply. Rest up for taking all those supplements! 84? Ugh, I take a fraction of that, but got out of the habit the last week, and am having a hard time restarting. Tomorrow for sure!
Yes, LOVE The Chosen. Thanks about the tip on extra content.
DeleteThank you for the update, Laurel. I appreciate your sharing this even though it’s hard. So many people are with you in spirit, me included. In the midst of all of this, I hope you can find and feel the succor of the Savior (been reading Alma 7). I like the idea of finding a purpose statement for this moment in your journey. Maybe tweak “changing the plan” to something that works for you to help direct your focus and efforts. I’m just musing here. You don’t need to respond to this! I love the smiley face on the oatmeal. :) I know you’re tired of what’s on the menu but it looks good to me!