I am Leaning in a Better Direction

The pain gauge over the last three days has been lowering. Speaking with my palliative pharmacist, letting her know that my current regimen still needed some tweaking, she recommended adding a little more of one med which is specifically for bone pain, in hopes of reducing the dosage of another more general pain reliever which is harder on the body. I only seem to be experiencing one side effect of the bone med, and that is drowsiness. I can live with drowsiness! I know things are constantly changing, but currently feeling hopeful. A 3-day trend is something to get excited about. I slept pretty well on Monday night! This was after taking two of the CBN lozenges. I slept from midnight to 2am, then went quickly back to sleep until 6am! Took my 7am pills early, and snoozed until my 8am pills. Tried that again last night (Tuesday), but not with the same results. There were many wakeful moments, but very short ones. See the graph–the orange peaks are awake times. I was calm and comfortable ...