Feeling Pretty Darn Good Most of the Time Lately

All-positive read:

Yesterday, Monday, was acupuncture appointment #4. It didn't require a lidocaine patch on whatever was bothering me that day as I sometimes do to help prophylactically with outings. (My current hotspots are my aching right shoulder blade and my original lumpy bumps that look very purpley-red and feel stingy or sharp lately.) Nor did I need to muster as much courage as usual to get out the door. Hooray. After the appointment I still actually had a little leftover bandwidth for us to drive to another Kaiser location to pick up a couple of prescription refills. It was strange and a little exciting that I wasn't crying about getting back to the safety of my bed as fast as possible. I announced to Michael while we were on the freeway that we were actually running an errand together (even though I waited in the car). We loved the thought.

When leaving my acupuncture appointment, the gal who made my next appointment paid me a compliment on my flawless complexion, like how smooth my face is. I was in my reclined wheelchair. I guess that's what happens when you are lying on your back 24/7.  There are probably puddles of wrinkles in front of my ears where my face has settled to, haha! She asked if I have siblings and if their faces are as smooth as mine. I told her I have 6 sisters, (which didn't get the fun reaction I usually get), but that I do remember their faces as being smooth.

I had my weekly chat with my palliative pharmacist this morning. This is the first time we haven't tweaked something in my pain relief arsenal. I feel like I am in a comfier place pain-wise. Halle-freaking-lujah. Could be the acupuncture, could be the the meds, could be a combo.

My sleep is generally improved from the 1-2 hours of sleep sprinkled here and there throughout the night that I experienced when I first started taking the steroid 3 weeks ago. Steroids help with pain by reducing inflammation, but interrupting your sleep is a common side effect. I was a pretty good sleeper before the steroid came along and ruined it. Now, sometimes I get 6 straight hours, sometimes I only get 2-3 hours before I'm awake for another 2-3 hours. Last night I decided to try something the pharmacist suggested. I took one Gabapentin before bed. Gaba is for nerve pain, but it also helps with sleep. I slept for 6.5 hours last night, it was fab! I will continue doing that for three nights. Then I may add a morning dose. This may allow me to lower my dosage of a controlled substance I am taking. I'm supposed to do the new dosage for three days before I up it again. This gives the bod a chance to adjust. I can eventually take Gabapentin up to 3 times daily. We'll see how that goes.

Today at lunchtime I actually sat up in bed to eat my lunch! I stacked some pickle pillows behind me for support and felt like a big girl. There was the added bonus of not spilling anything on my pajamas since I was upright. And I'm improving at eating lefthanded. I don't use my right hand or arm very much since it's the right shoulder blade that's bothering me, and that shoulder blade feels everything I do, even just leg exercises.

So, with my pain levels slightly lower and comfier, sleeping better, and sitting up more, I'm beginning to remember what normal feels like. It almost makes me wonder what direction I'm headed, if you know what I mean. Could I actually be getting better? Is it just a comfy lull? It does cross my mind, but I'm at peace either way, so I will just gladly take the physical comfort and enjoy it while I have it. I appreciate your continued prayers in this regard.

I've decided to stop taking any supplements. The only pills I'm popping are pain related.

Today was my last day of PT and my gal said I'm looking really great. In fact, as good as or better than other people my age. The purpose of the PT is for strength and balance to help avoid any falling. It's all leg work, I requested no arm or core work due to my back sensitivity. I'm convinced the PT also helps me sleep a little better.

Okay this is funny, and a little embarrassing. After my shower a few days ago hubby noticed a mark on my skin in an undisclosed location that I can't normally see myself. We took a picture and sent it to the doctor, a little alarmed. I just really didn't want it to be shingles again which I had two years ago. The doctor wanted me to come in so she could look at it and take a picture of it with a special Kaiser camera they use then send the photo to dermatology. I said no, I can't do any extra outings so they would need to do their best with my photo. Meanwhile, I was considering what a perfect-looking mark it was, and tried to figure out what could possibly make it. Then I remembered that my shower chair has holes in it that could have made the mark. I think I solved the mystery! Heh heh, oops.

I mentioned a while back a Redd sisters and husbands reunion we had planned for September. Originally we were going to hold it in Oregon at a VRBO. Then it was changed to be here by me. But we've since decided to put the reunion on hold for now. I've said my goodbyes to my sisters as they've come to visit over the past few months. I'd rather leave it at that than try to gather everyone around again, not knowing how much I could handle or what condition I'd be in. Didn't want to go through all that just to rip off the band-aid again. Everyone completely understands and they want me to be comfortable. I felt relief after coming to this decision and really appreciated Michael's support in it. They will plan the next reunion sometime later when it's convenient for everyone.

I remember writing a while back and that by the time the September reunion rolled around, I wanted to either know for certain that I was getting better, no matter how slowly, or be gone. Kind of looks like I'm not getting either one of those things. It's okay, though. I'm good with where I am currently, although sometimes I wonder where I would be right now if I didn't try so hard to save myself via nutrition and supplements at the beginning of this ordeal. Maybe my walk across the hot coals would all be behind me by now. I don't usually regret any of it. We feel it went the way it was supposed to go, for whatever purpose.


  1. Gabapentin at night is a yes. Glad you figured it out. Love that you and Michael got to run an errand together. ❤️

  2. That is so great the PT told you what excellent shape you are in. In spite of all the inflammation and pain, all the good walking and exercise you've always done now pays off. And I'm sure the food and supplements you took at the beginning (as well as a good plant-based diet for years) also contribute to your continued resilience. You're amazing!


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