Great Night, Comfy Day, Smooth Legs

Wonder Daughter shaved my legs today. I have no idea how many weeks it's been. There is a spa-like trickling water video playing in the background for atmosphere. Thank you for this kind act of love, Breanne!

Also, last night turned out to be the best night's sleep in a while. Plus morning snoozing after pill time and comfy pain levels most of the day. Score!


  1. I've been out of town for a couple weeks, but home now and getting caught up with your adventures in sleep success, pill adjustments, TV snooze shows, and now leg shaving! So glad you have moments of normalcy and I remember times feeling that anxiety of an unknown type. Your not eating many veggies right now may have something to do with that, too. My naturopath put me on extra B12 (Metho, not cyto - cobalimin) and folate (not folid acid) when I was under a lot of stress and that really helped stabilize me. If you're not already taking high numbers of water-soluable B vits I'd recommend looking into that. And for fun, too much B12 of the cyto kind, I found out, can cause anxiety! No dull moments in the quest for a healthy balanced life! PS I used to love to watch Lydia's Italian Kitchen back in the day. In fact I think it's lunch time right now! XXOO

  2. Laurel. I’m glad you have a blog cause I’m hacked on and locked out of FB. So grateful for you Angela.


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