Thinned Some Drawers, Baby Quilt, Latest Binges

Wonder Daughter helped me thin out a couple of dresser drawers yesterday. When my pain levels are higher, I feel like death is closer and that makes it easier to toss stuff out. But since I've been a little comfier lately, it makes it harder to be ruthless since I feel less sure about which direction I'm going and how soon I might get there. Weird place, but kind of my norm.

Besides some of my clothes, including too many pairs of shorts, one of the items we'll keep is my baby quilt. My mother made it for me and it features a laurel wreath. 

As far as eating while lying down goes, I usually cover myself with a place mat. But somehow I still find a way to spill food on my PJs. My brilliant son suggested that I have a pair of pajamas made out of place mats. Hahaha! I have figured out how to eat sitting up, with the help of pickle pillows behind my back for support. I eat pretty quickly, even left-handed, so I'm not sitting up for long.

My sleep hours continue to be on the more decent side. If I get 6 hours of sleep with only 2-3 quick wake-ups during the night, I'm pleased with that. Last night I forgot my two CBN lozenges before bed and didn't stay asleep after falling asleep. Coincidence? Can't be sure. I did take them as soon as I realized (about 1:30am) and did sleep pretty well after that.

Been bingeing and enjoying Young Sheldon. After watching all 6 seasons of The Rookie, we watched the first episode again. That was a few weeks ago. After we watched the first episode, Michael and I turned to each other and decided we could watch the whole series again, which we've been doing. We'll probably kill it for the second time either tonight or tomorrow. Also, in an attempt to get a little gospel into my daily life, I've been trying to remember to turn to YouTube to watch some sort of gospel-related video. Book of Mormon Central channel has some good videos. They have a series called Marvelous Work that I've watched a few episodes of. The one that first caught my eye was about whether Christopher Columbus was the first person to come to the Americas from somewhere else. Very interesting!


  1. How wonderful to still have your baby quilt with a Laurel Wreath. I can imagine your mother giving you that sweet name and quilting the symbol to go with it! And you have lived true to your name...victory, honor, and triumph!

  2. I had to do a little detective work to figure out you are Ali. I appreciate your comment, thank you.

  3. Beautiful quilt! Since I've loved to read and study in bed whenever possible I'll put a plug in for a backrest pillow. It would give you better support if you want to stay up for longer. I'll also plug The Chosen app. Four seasons are on there with all sorts of great commentary and extras. If you start at the very beginning ( a very good place to start 😆) I tell everyone to watch episodes 1&2 at the same time. 1 is critical to the storyline, but 2 is more indicative of the mood and flow of the show. Jesus is amazing here. ♥️


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