Buying My "Medicine"
Hubby and I went to the "farm-acy" this morning to buy my juicing ingredients for 3 days for both of us. We came away with 30 lbs of carrots, 24 beets, 3 ginger roots and 6 bunches of celery.
When we were clearing out the organic carrot shelf at the grocery store this morning a woman came by with her cart and was watching. I asked, "Did you want us to save you some? She said, "No, but you must really like carrots and beets." Haha! I told her I had been diagnosed with cancer and this was my medicine. She has a relative with cancer so I shared with her. She, herself, has diabetes so I shared with her.
I feel calm, happy, very optimistic, and my energy level is high. The energy could be due to a possible undercurrent of constant, adrenaline. But that has replaced the constant undercurrent of turmoil, thankfully.
If it is not my time, this will work. It has worked for many people. Everything is going to be okay. One way or another IT WILL BE OKAY.
Hubby divided the produce into crates, one for each day. It's less confusing for my brain than a honkin' pile o'veggies.
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