Started Lemon-Garlic Drink Tonight (Happy Valentine's Day!)

Here’s the best way to make the lemon garlic extract


According to Dr. Wahmid Talib, the author of the study, who has been drinking this concoction for many years, the best way to consume garlic lemon extract is in a 3:1 ratio, 300 grams of lemon and 100 grams of garlic blended in 16 ounces of water, then strained. If you don’t have a scale, this is roughly 3 bulbs of garlic and three lemons. The formula doesn’t have to be precise, tripling the amount of lemon and adding more water makes it easier to drink.


  • 3 heads of garlic
  • 3 lemons 


  1. Peel and chop the bulbs of garlic. Let the garlic sit for 10-20 minutes after chopping to activate the beneficial anti-cancer compounds.
  2. Put the garlic and the unpeeled lemons in a blender together with 16 oz of water.
  3. Blend the mixture until it is liquified. Avoid blending so long that it “cooks” it.
  4. Pour the liquid into a wire strainer, nut milk straining bag, cheesecloth, or pantyhose… I used a nut milk bag.
  5. You could also pour the blender mixture into a juicer and let the juicer separate the juice from the pulp.
  6. If you don’t strain it, it thickens/solidifies after 24 hours and is difficult to consume.

