How it Started/Timeline

On December 10, 2023 in the shower, I felt a tender lump on the arm side of my breast. I emailed my doctor who told me to let her know if it hasn't resolved in four weeks. 

Week 1: Tender lump became smaller and tenderness disappeared, but lump stayed.
Week 2: Gone (maybe just too small to feel), no tenderness.
Week 3: A second, larger, tender lump appeared under the arm pit, just an inch or two from the original lump.
Week 4: Both lumps present, no tenderness

Jan 17, 2024 - To GYN for breast lump evaluation, she thought I should get a diagnostic mammogram for a third opinion.

Feb 1, 2024 - Diagnostic mammogram, then in other room for ultrasound. Found a mass and affected lymph node. They did the biopsies on both right then, while at the same time, dropping a tiny titanium marker in each one for the surgeon in case surgery was needed.

Feb 12, 2024
- Call with dietician to tell me how to be eating for cancer (it's a whole foods plant-based diet like I've been doing the past 7.5 years)
- Call with genetics counselor for Q&A to figure out if this might be hereditary. Her suspicion of that is low, but I'll get tested to see. It's just a blood draw.

Feb 13, 2024 - PET/CT scan to see any spread. Sure enough it's in my liver and spine, T4 and T12. I've been feeling something in my spine. Not pain, just a tension-like sensation, like the chiropractor needs to crack it.

Feb 15, 2024 - Met with surgeon. Surgery and radiation can't help. Chemo might help a little but has terrible side effects. He gave me 1-2 years.

Started researching alternative ways to treat cancer. Came upon, a few people mentioned him. That and a couple of documentaries on cancer led me to start juicing. Also taking supplements my sister, Patty is researching. 

Feb 19, 2024 - Started these supplements:

  • Lymph drainage drops (didn't stay with this)
  • Turmeric capsules (with burdock and ginger)
  • Carnivora (Venus fly trap, believe it or not!)
  • DDR Prime essential oil (whatever that is)

Feb 20, 2024 - Met oncologist. Nothing they can do besides chemo. However, if the genetic testing says this is genetic, there's a pill. That sounds friendly and easy, but chemo can be a pill, too. I'd have to check that out if it's an option.

Feb 21, 2024 - Started having a giant, cancer-fighting salad and dressing for lunch and dinner, besides the juicing. Only five cups of juice per day now, instead of eight. Salad and dressing are both from the Beat Cancer Cookbook. It's so delicious! Hubby is doing all of this with me and we love it! Delicious salad and juice or chemo? Salad or chemo? I believe food can cure this, but we know chemo cannot.

Feb 22, 2024 - Brain scan to see if there's anything in there besides a brain! I want to know.

Feb 23, 2024 - Brain scan results: There's only a brain in my cranium--hooray!

Feb 28, 2024 - Started these supplements:

  • Amla powder
  • Moringa powder

Feb 29, 2024 - Told oncologist I'd like a scan around May 21st to check any progression/regression after treating with nutrition and supplements for 90 days.

Mar 5, 2024 - Had bone density scan for a baseline. Osteoporosis in my lumbar, osteopenia in my left femoral neck, left total hip is normal. I guess they don't scan everything, just spot checking. What does this mean for the rest of my spine?

- Started these supplements:

  1. META Mar 5, 2024
  2. Calcium + D3 don't know when
  3. Boswellia Extract don't know when

Mar 6, 2024 - Got a second opinion from another oncologist. She gave me 6-9 months and really wants me to do immunotherapy and chemo (it's never immunotherapy alone because it is too mild to help enough). This would give me 16-20 months but with many side effects and lots of time spent at the hospital. I declined.

Mar 9-12, 2024 - 74-hour fast, drinking water only. Sat evening to Tue evening. Wanted to go til Wed morning, but head felt too weird, like my brain was going to turn off during the night, so broke my fast. 2 sips of juice. Another sip during the night. (Hubby went 4 days)

Mar 13, 2024 - Spoke to Complementary Health doctor:

  • Melatonin to inhibit growth of cancer cell, 10 mg at night. Started taking 3/14/24
  • Check with oncology team about invertrac, worried about spine due to bad cells in T4 and T12 and osteoporosis. I'd rather check with chiropractor, I trust him more.
  • Lymph massage away from arm not toward the arm. Watch for arm swelling, sign of lymph trouble (blockage?)
  • PT can help with lymph massage ideas.
  • Acupuncture for pain, it's covered, just needs referral from any member of medical team. (I don't have pain.)
  • 30 min daily exercise decreases mortality by 40% in the general population. Already trying to do this.
  • No red meat. Already doing this.
  • Connect with palliative care team (she calls it Symptom-Focused Care), includes physicians, PT, social workers, etc. to support at any stage, not just end of l

Mar 15, 2024 - Seemed to turn a tiny corner. Feeling a little stronger, spine not bothering me, lump and lymph node hardly talking to me.

Mar 18, 2024 - Spoke with Amy who cured her cancer with Fenbendazole. If I don't like my follow-up scan results on 5/21/24, I may start with some of her ideas, but am already doing some (turmeric, intermittent fasting, celery juice, broccoli sprouts, Chris Beat Cancer, etc.)

Mar 25, 2024 - Started these supplements (not adding anything new until after my May 21 follow-up scan. Probably.):

  • Cordyceps mushroom extract
  • Resveratrol, ultra strength
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Also started wearing a castor oil liver pack 1 hour per day

Apr 6-9, 2024 - Second 75-hour water fast (drinking Evian with its electrolytes). Started Saturday at 1:20pm after lunch, until Tuesday at 4:20pm. Easier than last time. Not new territory now.

Apr 10, 2024 - Lump still seems to be enlarging, so adding Fenbendazole. 222 mg daily (mixed into olive oil or avocado), on for 6 days, then off for one day, repeating.

Apr 26, 2024 - Started augmented protocol at 222 mg Fenbendazole TWICE daily, no days off. Working up to 1,000-2,000 mg daily.

Apr 28, 2024 - 666 mg Fenben split into two doses (444 morning, 222 evening).

Apr 28, 2024 - Started these supplements from augmented protocol, taking with each Fenben dose (so twice daily):

  • Omega 3 oil, 500 mg
  • Liposomal multivitamin
  • Tudca, 500 mg (can take up to 2,000 mg)
  • Mushroom complex capsules that include reishi and turkey tail mushrooms

Apr 29, 2024 - 888 mg Fenben split into two doses

May 2, 2024 - Two 888 mg Fenben daily

May 5, 2024 - Milk thistle tea for liver health, and Quercetin Bromelain

May 6, 2024 - 20 mg CBD oil (should be taking more, but not), 60 mg melatonin

May 18, 2024 - Papaya powder Papaya and its seeds have enzymes to break through protein covering around bad cells so immune cells can recognize what they are.

