I've Adhered with 100% Exactness for 94 Days

Photo is from the first scan on February 13, 2024.

I'm pretty darn impressed with myself for staying ONE HUNDRED PERCENT on my chosen way of eating for 94 days. Chris Beat Cancer recommended giving it 90 days and that's what I did. The exact same salad, salad dressing, veggie juice, and lemon-garlic drink every stinking day. Luckily, it's enjoyable enough. I put vanilla flavored pea protein powder (along with about 7-8 other mix-ins) in my juices which makes them darn good. Yes, that's right, people, I've been adhering with 100% exactness, even when this kind of thing happened: one evening, Wonder Boy left his hot, fresh, take-out Pad Thai OPEN on the kitchen counter unsupervised. I walked through the dimly lit kitchen, saw the Pad Thai, it made eye contact with me in that come-hither way and I didn't steal even one noodle. Normally, I would have because, well, it's right there. But I passed it right by. I didn't want any regrets on scan day. I wanted to feel I'd done everything in my power. Now don't mistakenly think to yourself, "Oh, she must be a very disciplined person," because NO, she is NOT! But somehow it happened. It was probably all your good thoughts and prayers calling down the powers of heaven to help me.
Our two children will be with us for the scan tomorrow. The nurse will give me a shot of radioactive glucose, have me sit in a quiet, darkened room in a recliner under a blanket, no phone, no music, just quiet for 60 minutes. I may even snooze. Then I'll cross the hall to have the scan done. I've included an image from last time as a reminder of what the imaging looks like. The white splotch near my right shoulder is metabolic activity at the lump and lymph node. That means the glucose is being consumed, showing where the "bad cells" are. It's not as easy to tell in the image but the bad cells were/are in my T4 vertebra (between the shoulder blades), and T12 (lower), and on my liver.
Afterward we will stop in at the Kaiser records office and get a disk with the imaging on it so we can look at it at home. Why don't they just email it to me? Because the files are gigantic. Then we'll stop at Chipotle for take out. Wanting to avoid meat, dairy and white flour, I will split a burrito bowl with Michael. It will consist of sofritas (their soy "meat"), beans, veggies, mild salsa because I'm such a gringa, and maybe brown rice. I wonder what my stomach will do with different food in it? We'll bring the food home and probably chat for a while. Then, I may do a Lego set with my son (23). 
I'll be looking in this cook book to find some recipes to change things up a little. I have missed my daily green smoothies for breakfast. So, I'll probably have one for breakfast the next day. Gosh, what did I used to put in those? Uh, kale, rolled oats, banana, peanut butter, flax, oat bran, frozen fruit, water. I have organic oats and kale, I'd better find organic PB or almond butter. I think I will stay with raw, organic vegetables for 80% of my diet from now on. The other 20% can be cooked.
As far as the results go, I'll probably get the written results within 24 hours. What am I expecting? Gosh, hard to say. Since the first scan on February 13, new lymph nodes have appeared in my arm pit, so that will be there. The breast lump has gone from marble size to a rounded cone shape about 2.5" wide and .5" high. It hasn't changed much for a few weeks, so, maybe those cells are dead now and waiting to be processed out. If there's no splotch there in the image, it's dead. Fingers crossed. My spine has been talking to me more often, and more loudly, and in more locations, especially over the last couple of days. Hubby and a friend both suggested it could be due to the scan date coming up, inferring that it could be caused by stress and anxiety. I just don't know what to expect. If everything looks worse . . . well, I won't be that surprised. If that happens, I will remind myself that the Fenbendazole needs more time to work. Yesterday we saw another source mentioning enzymes are needed to break down the outer protein coating around the bad cells so the immune cells can recognize what they are. I've only been taking enzymes for 24 hours, so that needs time to do its job, too.
In short, this will be a status check, just a data point. It won't be the live or die day I was thinking it would be, probably because we still have ideas of things to try. It may bring a glimmer of hope, or some disappointment. But as we continue to research and pray for guidance on our journey, new ideas keep passing in front of our eyes, like the enzyme thing.
Stay tuned.

Image is from first scan on February 13, 2024.



  1. I will be sending you my most positive thoughts and prayers, and you are right, it's not a yes or no answer, it's a point on an ongoing journey.

    1. Right. It did seem like it at first since we only had one plan (diet, exercise, fasting). But as we've found other things to throw at it, and I still feel pretty good, it seems more ongoing.


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