Today Was Much Better Than Yesterday, The Comforting Flavor of Peanut Butter

Well, hello, delicious old friend.

Yesterday was pretty rough. I had so much discomfort up and down my back, especially the upper left where the "left first rib" was acting up. Also, I was quite emotional several times. Buckets of crying. I'm sure the emotion comes from equal parts seeing the scan and feeling discomfort. The Willow Balm patch helped me get through my haircut, and before bed Michael put arnica gel up and down my spine. I had a really good night. Generally I'm sleeping pretty well, but hadn't the three nights prior, so that probably helped with the good night.
This morning when I woke up I was hesitant to face the day--I didn't want to repeat yesterday. I turned over and told hubby. He said my day would probably be determined partly by my outlook and partly by how I feel physically, "so, let's stay ahead of the discomfort." I took an extra-strength Tylenol first thing and was glad I did. Today is much better, thankfully. I just have this one stabbing spot at the initial lump. It has stayed intense all day. It's okay, though, it's not semi-disabling like the back discomfort was yesterday. I prefer this. Tylenol is taking the edge off. The only thing I can think of that might be causing it is I know there is a lot of radiation in PET/CT scans, which can worsen the "bad cells." It wouldn't be that, would it? No matter, it's not freaking me out. Looking forward.
I had a green smoothie for breakfast this morning. Everything was organic. In the Before Times I had them almost every day--I love them! Kale, banana, rolled oats, flax, frozen berries, peanut butter and water. It was a nice treat but the interesting thing was the surprising comfort I felt as I tasted peanut butter for the first time in months. Huh! I wonder why. Maybe because it's a flavor from my normal life.
We wrote to my doc about the decrease in glucose uptake in the one spot. She replied, "You are right that there is a very slight decrease in glucose uptake (from 57.4 to 50.3), but it still remains extremely high, upper limit of normal is about 2. This is not significant and remains consistent with progressive disease." Well, doc, it may not be significant, but to get from 57.4 to 2, you have to pass by 50.3, don't you? I'll take it.
Continuing the salads and juices as we patiently wait for the turnaround. We have a Redd Sisters and Husbands Reunion in September and I'm going to need to be well for that.



  1. I see you did get a lot of radiation, so maybe miso would be helpful. You could throw it in the smoothie? It's savoury/salty flavoured.


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