Today is Better! A 3-Day Fast or Fenbendazole?

Today is better! Back is much improved, tummy's not bothering me, and Mr. Lump might have one more molecule knocked off the top. Not calling it a trend yet.
We watched two episodes of our new binge before getting up for the day. A show called "Castle." It's about a wise-cracking best-selling murder mystery novelist who helps a serious homicide detective gal solve mysteries. Very clean, but we're only seven episodes in. The great thing about it is we won't have to make a dinnertime TV decision for eight seasons. Yes! Didn't watch "Unfrosted" last night after all.
Our morning walk was in the rain. It felt good to be out and moving, plus I love rain.
I hung upside down after our walk. Did you know that if you go to hang upside down while you still have a mouthful of food, you can swallow it and it still goes to your tummy against gravity? Hubby says you can also swallow liquid and it works, too. Huh. Also, I tried to close and relax my eyes while hanging upside down, but my lids fell open. Haha! I can close them, but if I relax them, they fall open. 
I'm a little conflicted about taking a day off of the Fenbendazole. Some people take it for three days, then off for four. Others say six days on, then one day off. The new, high-dosage protocol doesn't say anything about skipping any days. The days off are for not building a tolerance to it, which they don't think will happen but no one seems to be sure. This came up in my mind while deciding whether to fast tomorrow for our monthly fast Sunday. This would be the religious fast we do monthly. If I were to fast, that could be a day "off." I'm thinking of not taking a day off yet. 
In other fasting news, I've been trying to decide whether to do the 3-day fast (for health, not religion) this month which would be in the next few days. Fenben should be taken with food for better absorption. So, which would do me more good, three days of fasting or three days of Fenben? I'm pretty sure I'm going with Fenben.

Who IS this person?! I don't recognize myself.
