Lump is Suddenly Much Larger Today, Yikes! Miso For Radiation, Pop Tarts
Yesterday I had that intensely sharp pain all day in the breast lump. It finally began to taper by evening and is down to 30-40% of its intensity today, thankfully. However, this morning when I woke up, I was alarmed that the lump is significantly larger--in ONE DAY! It seems to have gone from about 3.5" x .5" to 4" x 1". The skin over it is now pinkish instead of the light gray-ish that looked like a slight bruise, and the skin feels hard as it's stretching over the lump. This is what the surgeon told me to watch for--redness and hardness. How could it suddenly expand so much in one day?
A neighbor was telling me miso can help with "bad cells" and give protection from radiation. It might be too late now, three days after my scan, but she brought some homemade stuff over and I had some this morning in my smoothie and tonight in a small glass of water.
Here are two articles she shared, if you're interested:
This morning while hubby and our daughter were on a bike ride, I told my sister about the lump and how alarming it was. She cried in New Zealand and I cried in California as we wrote back and forth about it. I went for a long walk and the special things she said made the sidewalk look all blurry. So much crying. Very sobby. When I was getting closer to home, my daughter came walking around the corner to find me. They were back from their ride and she wanted to make sure I was okay, physically, walking by myself. I was fine physically but seeing her coming for me felt like she was coming to rescue me. Back inside now I told her of our new findings as the three of us sat together. We found a little bit of laughter as we usually do when we're together. Not a lot this time, but enough to lighten the mood.
Breanne went home then hubby and I went to Kaiser to get my blood drawn. We want to keep an eye on my liver due to my sending so much Fenbendazole through it, and it having it's own bad cells. Hoping the liver is fine since I don't want to reduce the biggest thing I'm counting on to help me. No result yet this evening, which is surprising for them. They are usually speedy with results. Oh, three of the results have now come back and they are good. I have a little inflammation, though.
I wrote to the surgeon to see if I could come in very soon for a status check, in case he thinks I should have surgery sooner than later. I don't want it at all, but it might be wise. It could be a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. Bleh.
I told my sister I feel like I just get past one hurdle and suddenly I'm at the next one. But a while after I had that thought, I had the realization that, after each hurdle, I turn out to be okay. I'm okay. Praying for that pattern to continue.
On the lighter side, our funny son got his Dad a pack of Pop-Tarts for his birthday. He put this combination lock (which is meant for ice cream pints) around it to be sure to keep it safe. Haha! Oh, that boy
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