PET/CT Scan Imaging, Brace Yourself

Brace brace. Here's a side-by-side of the first scan three months ago, and yesterday's. To be honest, it's a little horrifying. Where's that box of tissues?
I reached for a pain reliever for the first time today--not happy about it. Adhesive strips called Willow Balm on my spine. My upper and lower back are really bothering me today. A LOT. It helped me get through my haircut. Still pretty uncomfy lying here on the couch.



  1. We are so sad about this news. Jeff and I were really hoping all your efforts were taking you in another direction. I know your strong family will be there for all your needs. We love you so much.
    "The Nielsens"

    1. Thanks, Jeanene. We knew things were worse, but this is shocking looking. We are still hoping that our efforts just need more time. Yes, my family is amazing, and thanks for the love.

  2. Looking at the pictures in black and white is jarring, but you could turn a corner at any time. All of those black spots could have been hiding under the surface, and your regime has been so strong and cleansing that it could be discharge rather than growth that is now coming out. No way to know yet, so hoping, praying and visualising for the best is the best course for encouraging healing!

    1. Jarring is a good word for it. Yes, we're still counting on turning that corner. What do you mean by discharge? Thanks for your encouragement!

    2. They use that term in macrobiotics a lot. It just means that as your body gets the right nutrients and environment to clear out bad things, you end up having symptoms that seem like illness. For minor problems, it could be like a cold, or maybe some skin problems, even moles growing temporarily. You have a serious condition, and your diet is extremely clearing, so it's certainly possible that your body is flushing out toxins. It's not really something you can measure with medical tests.

      I know I mentioned to you something about miso broth. If you do get more scans and x-rays, or if you get any radiology, I would recommend it. It's a fermented food, organic, and even though it's more bio-available when it's hot, it shouldn't be actually boiled.

      It's not cooked, but it is prepared with a culture, and aged for hopefully a year or two. It's a traditional Japanese staple, and when the doctors went in to treat people after the bombs fell on Japan in the War, they treated themselves with it and took it with them for patients as well. It helps neutralise radiation, although there's no consensus why, the enzymes, the probiotics, who knows?

      Sachi would be happy to make you some, just broth no veggies. She uses both miso she makes and ages herself, and high-quality miso available to buy. If you think that might be to close to a cooked food, she could make some salad dressing with it, according to your specifications, or just give you some straight miso paste and you could add it to your own salad dressing. It's very tasty any way you use it. If you look in her cookbook you can read more about it.

      Just let us know if you would like to try it and we'll get some to you. If not, that's fine. Since you've been taking papaya enzymes, I thought you might want to try another type of enzyme. But if not, no pressure!

  3. This is amazing! Yes, I'd love to try it. Just throwing it in my smoothie is a good idea.

  4. It looks like miso doesn't help after the radiation has occurred, according to this article. Do you know anything different? I'll remember this trick for if I ever have radioactive imaging again.

    1. Iodine does, so check that out. Miso soup is terrific for light healthy comfort food in any case.


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