One Month Down, Two Months to Go
7.5 years ago I started a food log. The first column was for my weight. Then three columns for meals, and three columns for snacks, of course! I found myself adding columns over time: bullet points of what I did that day, what I read, what we watched, did I reach out to anyone, exercise, bed time, how I slept, etc. Apparently I'm a documenter.
Today it's been one month since I've been treating myself with food, supplements, exercise, and fasting (and your prayers!)--February 21-March 21. I've had to add a LOT more columns, especially for supplements. It was a full-time job keeping track of everything, but I'm in a groove now.
You can tell on the weight chart where I got "the phone call" as my weight started to drop. First worrying about what to eat, then starting the intensely nutritional diet which happens to be low calorie. You can also notice where the 3-day fast ended as the weight bottomed out then bounced up 3 lbs.
I'm feeling good. My upper spine rarely talks to me anymore, but it can get tired. I check my lump and lymph node nightly, the lump seems to change a lot. It gets flatter and wider, then pointier. Weirdo. The "shelf" is still gone since the fast. Yay. I thought I might be feeling my liver (the other secondary area it has spread to) for about three days last week when my tummy was constantly upset. Then I tried backing off of the super greens powder I was adding to every bottle of juice. Mr. Tummy has been fine since then. I'll try sneaking in a little at a time and see what happens. Too many broccoli sprouts also upsets my tummy and those are super greens. So, hmm. Just have to find my limits.
Two more months until my follow-up scan on May 21. I'm not worried, because there are more things to try if this quiver of arrows doesn't do the trick. I feel confident what I'm doing WILL make a difference, I'm just not sure HOW MUCH of a difference. As my dad used to say, "We shall see what we shall see."
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