Patty and Sarah, 1965
was just looking through today's Facebook memories and saw this oldie
but goodie from around 1965. I'm the baby in the pic, the other two are:
-Patty Redd Kennington-Rooks who is currently in New Zealand serving a mission with her husband, Dewane, and researching every supplement known to man to see if they might help me, and most of them have shown up on my doorstep.
Redd Pimentel who is the sister who visited with her husband and
daughter a few days ago. Coincidentally, she is also serving a
BYU-Pathway mission with her husband, Ron.
A lot has happened in our beautiful lives since this photo was taken. I love them, and my four other sisters, so doggone much.
If I had a thought bubble here, it would say dreamily, "I want to be just like them when I grow up."
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