Too Much iPad Time
Visiting hubby's aunt in a small mountain town near Bakersfield, CA this weekend. Aunt Irma Jean (wearing purple) is about to turn 90 years old, yet she only just quit teaching aerobics a couple of months ago! And recently stepped down from running the town orchestra. She took us to visit a long-time pal, Margaret (wearing teal). They've known each other for 30 years through the orchestra. Margaret is a retired pediatrician who has a delightful Kentucky accent. (I think she might be 98 years old. Is that possible?) We got them both set up with Zoom to watch stake conference tonight and tomorrow. Cuties. Mr. Achy-spine started complaining after spending too much time with Margaret's iPad so hubby took over. Afterward I laid down for a while, then did my back exercises. Feeling better!
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