Two Things: Bone Density Scan and Second Opinion
Two things:
1) I got a bone density scan yesterday for the purpose of knowing whether I can still go to the chiropractor, due to my possibly compromised T4 and T12. What I didn't realize is they don't scan every bone in your body. (I should have checked with Donna Adams first!) They scan your left femoral neck, your left total hip, and your lumbar spine. Although I didn't love the news, I'm glad to know that my lumbar has osteoporosis, my left total hip is normal, and my left femoral neck has osteopenia (it's on it's way to osteoporosis). Looks like my chiropractor visits are no more. I'll be taking some supplements and a prescription for the osteoporosis. And I just finally tapered off the only long-term prescription I've ever taken! My parents both had osteoporosis, but I am more active than they were and I moved away from the Standard American Diet. The osteoporosis is why I'm walking with 5 lb weights in the photos, to make my walk more weight bearing.
2) I had a second opinion phone call today with a different oncologist as some of you suggested. I liked the doctor much better than mine, although both their accents mean we really have to listen carefully! The bottom line is if I do nothing, she gives me 6-9 months. If I do immunotherapy which is always done with chemo (which I don't want), she gives me 16-20 months, with the horrible side effects, including possible damage to organs, not to mention all the time I'd be spending at the hospital. This isn't much different from what we've heard before, but it was still hard to hear. She actually became a little emotional when I declined the treatment. That tells me she's a caring doctor who has compassion toward her patients. I will continue doing what I'm doing with intense nutrition, supplements, exercise, intermittent fasting, etc. This type of natural treatment has worked for many people. I believe it will work for me unless Heavenly Father has a new assignment for me that requires "relocating." We'll know in late May which direction we're headed.
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