I Might Have Turned a Tiny Corner--Is it Possible Already?

Yesterday I spoke with an interesting gal on the phone, Amy. I haven't been interested in talking with anyone who beat breast cancer unless they had my type, triple-negative, because it is so different than the other types, including the fact that there are no drugs for it. Amy didn't have triple-negative but the doctors told her to go home, she was "done." I decided to see what she had to say. She talked about conventional medicine and that the way they had treated her cancer only made things worse in other ways, and it couldn't actually cure her. She began researching and trying other things. Some things sound a little crazy at first. For example, one of the supplements I'm already taking is Venus Fly Trap (in capsule form). I know, right?! There is a LOT out there that your regular doctor either doesn't know about, or won't share with you as they have their own protocols. One of the "crazy" items we keep reading about is drugs used for de-worming dogs and other animals with parasites. Amy had taken a conventional drug for three months given to her by her doctor. Then she researched it and threw it in the trash. She heard about this de-worming drug and since she expected to be dying soon, why not try it? She got a PET scan after 9 weeks to see if it was doing anything, and her cancer was G.O.N.E. That was five years ago. She went on to tell me the other supplements and therapies she was and is still using to keep "C" away, but the Fenbendazole was the main one. (Ivermectin is similar). I'm already doing some of them, like turmeric, celery juice, broccoli sprouts, melatonin and intermittent fasting. She even mentioned Chris Beat Cancer. In short, after hearing from her, I feel even more confidence about my path.
You're probably wondering, "Laurel! Have you ordered from Amazon the things Amy's using?!" No. Not yet. My mindset is changing. For example . . .
Feb 6, 2024 - "I'M GONNA DIE!" (Day of the dreaded phone call)
Feb 13, 2024 - "I NEED TO KNOW WHICH PATH TO CHOOSE!" (Didn't know whether to go the conventional route with chemo, or try natural therapies. Was leaning toward natural, but needed confirmation.)
Feb 15, 2024 - "NATURAL PATH, HERE WE COME. GOSH, I HOPE IT WORKS." (Surgeon says all they can offer is chemo. No thanks. So, there was my answer.)
Mar 16, 2024 - "STARTING TO FEEL A TINY BIT DIFFERENT. MAYBE BETTER. IS IT POSSIBLE ALREADY?" (For 3-4 weeks been treating myself, plus the prayers and fasting of others. Something started to change soon after my 3-day fast, [not a spiritual fast, but a fast for physical health], the sobbing at the chiropractor's, and a visit from my sister.)
So, I've gone from PANICKING, to trying this thing first then trying that thing later if I don't get the results I want.
On Saturday I texted a friend, "I'm having a really good day. Enough that I'm almost daring to hope this plan is working! Of course, I'm looking for any clue as to my direction." She mentioned some of my last posts have been scary. I agreed. But I couldn't imagine any posts that scary in the future. So, I wondered if it would be naive for me to think the worst is behind me and that I'm on my way up now. I liked her answer, "I believe that is the only way to think." I'm going with that.
Today I went and got my haircut--Michael dropped me off at the entrance with my walking sticks and went to park the car. My guy really likes to chat, and often stops cutting my hair to lean against the wall and talk about something. I told him in advance what's going on and that I can't sit up for long before my upper back and neck get too tired, so I requested that this time he please keep cutting without stopping to chat, as much as we normally like that. He did it without forgetting once. I was impressed. Thank you, Kevin.
Back at home again, my fabulous caregiver, Michael, went to lie down for a little nap. He'd had a big morning, including an early breakfast with a friend, then a 4-mile steep hike with our Breanne. I spend most of my days on the couch, lately, but I'm going to brag for a moment to say that I actually CLEARED OUT THE DISHWASHER while he was resting. For the last month I have not done ANY extra activities as I've been going downhill, and Michael has been doing most everything. So, it was kind of BIG that I would even consider doing an extra. After his nap we did our usual half-mile walk that we try to do at least twice daily, and it was no prob (I did have my walking sticks). It was a problem a few days ago, I couldn't make it the whole way. Today, it was no big chicken wing.
I'm sure there are still ups and downs ahead, but I'm extra optimistic today about where I'm headed. Yay.

