Pokémon Walk with Sonny Boy, Ran Out of "Gas" at the Grocery Store

This evening, Sonny Boy Mike was going on a Pokémon walk so I went with him. Just 3/4 of a mile. We stopped at the park for about five minutes and took a selfie with the Little Leaguers playing in the background. No crying this time while watching them. Later, hubby and I went to the grocery store. I was commenting how just a few weeks ago we'd be shopping and I'd be heavily leaning over the grocery cart, or sitting on my cane-chair in the produce department, or holding his shoulder while walking. And now look, I'm zooming all over, unassisted. It was about the time I uttered those words that I ran out of gas kind of suddenly--too much exertion! In the wisdom that comes from experience, even though I was feeling great before leaving to go shopping, I still brought my cane-chair to the grocery store and boy was I glad. I sat on it at the checkout. Hoo boy! Been home about 30 minutes and still recovering on my bed while reporting to you, people of my Facebook kingdom. ...