Liver & Lipid Panels, New Lump?, The Not Knowing is . . . Wearing

TLDR (Too Long, Don't Read. In other words, here's a summary.): Found a snack, took long enough. I'll be eating broccoli twice daily for the rest of eternity. Why isn't Chris Beat Cancer's way helping? Or is it? Liver check--good. Lipid panel--surprising. New lump, trying not to worry. 
I've been trying to think of what to have with me as a snack in case I'm somewhere, like at church, and need to eat something. I don't want to bring a salad, obviously. The juices are too risky to take places because they are so red with beet juice that I ONLY drink them over the kitchen sink or over a red placemat. We like Bob's Red Mill oat bars, but they're not organic. Hey, I could make my own. Found a recipe. Oats, banana, and almond butter. Hm, oats AND banana sounds like too many carbs for the bad cells who love sugar. Okay, I could just bring a tiny container with a spoonful of almond butter. Oh hey! I could bring almonds! You know, those things I put on my salad EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last 64 days. Derrr.
If I don't get some dental floss soon between these two teeth that always like to catch broccoli, I may scream. I'm never going to eat broccoli again. Except for later today. And tomorrow. And the next day andthenextdayandnextdayandnextandnextnextnext times a million repeating.
I wish I could know exactly what's going on inside at all times! Some say the lump could be already-dead cells waiting to exit. If that's the case, maybe the Chris Beat Cancer route was already working for me. Wish I could know. I WANT to think his way works. Maybe it is working but if this is truly a turbo cancer, then a boost from Fenbendazole could only assist the process. 
Thursday we went to Kaiser for a blood draw to check how my liver is doing--wanted to get a baseline since starting the Fenben. This was a suggestion we found online since the doctor is not suggesting anything at all. Numbers are all good. I asked for a lipid panel while they're at it, wondering how my cholesterol is doing with this eating regimen of only raw veggies and veggie juice. I couldn't seem to lower it with the whole foods plant-based diet I was already doing, plus a few supplements. My body is a weirdo. Doesn't seem to respond to things like other people's do.
Interesting findings on the lipid panel: two components went in a bad direction (for lack of exercise), and one went in a really good direction (for diet).
  • TOTAL CHOLESTEROL plummeted 63 points.
  • TRIGLYCERIDES went up 22 points (lower is better). "Blood triglycerides can get higher when you: Don't get enough exercise. Eat foods that are high in fat and sugar. Drink too much alcohol." It's clear I'm not moving enough, because the other factors certainly don't apply.
  • HDL (the good cholesterol, higher is better) went down 9 points. "Lifestyle choices also affect HDL levels. Smoking, carrying too many pounds, and lack of physical activity tend to lower HDL. So does a diet high in refined carbohydrates (white bread, sugars, etc.)." Physical activity again.
  • LDL (the bad cholesterol, lower is better) went down 70 points and is now in the normal range. "Eating a lot of foods high in saturated fats raises “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are found in fatty cuts of meat and dairy products. No more than 10% of your daily calories should come from saturated fats. Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol, particularly in women, and raises LDL cholesterol."
Had a little tiny scare Thursday that we're not going to worry about for now. There is slight discoloration that comes and goes on the skin where the lump is, looks like a very light bruise. It's not new, and not unusual for this condition. Thursday I noticed a smaller patch of discoloration under my arm in the lymph node area. I hadn't seen it before, but I don't really check under my arm much. I felt around at that spot and could feel something new, something small and hard about the size of a pea. That was alarming. I had Michael feel it. I was emotional and scared for a little bit. Michael asked if we should let the kids know for extra prayers. I said not yet. We don't want to keep things from them to "protect" them, but I didn't want to mention it yet. (I did tell them the next day.) Now that the emotion is passed, I'm not going to worry for now. Two things help me feel a little better about it: 1) I'm feeling better and better physically. I wouldn't be feeling stronger and more able if I were getting worse, right? I don't know if that's true but I'm holding onto that. 2) I had already asked for an ultrasound so we can compare measurements with the original ultrasound from when they first found the bad cells. That will be next week. I know they can't see things clearly with an ultrasound, but maybe they'll have an idea of what the "pea" is or isn't. We're concerned, of course, about every little thing I feel but we're keeping the concern as small as we can and putting it on a back shelf until next week at least. Michael asked if I could give all my worry to him. I told him I could once the emotion passed. Then I did. (Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about giving my cares to the Savior. This entire experience falls under that umbrella: just doing my best, then leaving the rest to Him and trusting the outcome.) Later I was a little teary again about it at bedtime--the not knowing which way I'm heading is . . . wearing . . . sometimes. I know there's only one thing to do. Keep trying. Dang it.


  1. The shuffling between hope and worry is wearing, even to read about. But looking at it from an overview, your trajectory is amazingly positive and forward-looking. You've been so good about coping mechanisms for the details, like what snacks to carry around. And you've done a super job to stay active even when you're feeling drained. It will be very helpful to get some numbers to see if they back up your senses.

    One thing I thought of that I told you about years ago (for Mike's mother) is the tv show on PBS, Sit and Be Fit. It was responsible for me being able to work for so many years, and it has kept me going through many physically difficult times of my life.

    Of course, even now your physical activity level is higher than mine, but I'm thinking it might be useful for those times when you just don't feel up to a walk or strenuous exercise. You can sit in a chair for most or all of it and help sustain strength, range of motion, balance, etc. It feels like you're doing nothing, but over a period of time it has made a huge difference for me (and countless others!). It's on KPJKD (used to be KCSM) at 9:30AM, M-F.

    1. Yes, the hope-worry pendulum is tiring for me and I thought it might be for the reader, too. Down here in the trenches I don't see the overview as clearly as the reader, so I appreciate you describing it.

      Hey, that's right, Sit and Be Fit! I'll have to look that up. I think we may have found some episodes for Carol on YouTube as well. I'm glad you reminded me of that. So pleased it has helped you so much! I just thought of a friend to recommend it to, too.

      I always enjoy your comments.


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