Second 3-day Fast and Sister Susan's Visit
We started our next 3-day fast (with water) yesterday afternoon. No blow-by-blow this time, I'll let you know if anything interesting happens. If I don't notice any signs of change by Tuesday night, that's when I may add in additional therapies.
Meanwhile, we'll just keep enjoying watching general conference this weekend which we love. Making it even better is we have my sister Susan and her husband Blair C Davis visiting from Utah for the weekend. They are staying in a hotel and taking care of their own food so I don't have to worry about a thing. Yesterday, between conference sessions, we walked to the next block over where there is a medical equipment lending place. It's free and you return the item when you're done. We borrowed a high-backed, reclining wheelchair for me because my daughter, Breanne, wants to take me to some beautiful gardens near here (Filoli). But that would be a lot of walking and being upright. Hence the wheelchair.
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