Going to Look for All-Natural Make-up and Moisturizers


Pretty soon I am going to be researching where to find all natural make-up and moisturizers, but I thought I'd check with my you, my peeps, to see if you already know of good brands or sources. Well do ya, punk?
Why am I doing this? "C" comes from either:
  • genetics (rarely)
  • diet (probably not the way I was eating)
  • stress
  • environment, or a combination.
My life hasn't been that stressful, so I'm guessing environment for me. In any case I'm trying to avoid as many toxins as possible. I'm told that sunscreen and things with fragrances are the worst. We use fragrance-free lotion, but maybe all natural would be even better.



  1. I use ShiKai brand Borage Therapy lotion as a base. I usually cut it 25% with organic sesame oil. Can also use castor oil, or straight castor oil on body and face. I switched to washing my face with avocado oil (oil cuts oil) over a decade ago, thanks to some foodie wellness bloggers. Cleaning products are mostly white vinegar and baking soda. Toothpaste, just found Dr. Jen's flouride-free with the studied 10% hydroxyapatite to rebuild enamel.


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