Am I Turning Orange?
Hubby just took this picture of me and our daughter, Breanne. He thought he noticed a slight orange tint in my face from all the carrot juice. I've been drinking 5-6 cups of veggie juice, mostly comprised of carrot (plus celery, beet and ginger root juices) daily for 6.5 weeks.
"When high levels of beta-carotene are consumed, not all of the pigment is converted to vitamin A. Some of it is circulated in the blood stream. If these high levels are sustained for some time, the skin may begin to take on an orange hue, a condition known as carotenemia."
A friend from Seattle lived thru colon cancer after stopping conventional treatment so she could enjoy raising her still small children. She juiced carrots from there on out and turned quite orange, I hear. Who cares, she survived. I think you look great in orange!