Second 3-day Fast, and Update
Doing the 3-day fast again. The purpose is two-fold: to starve the "bad cells," and to rebuild my immune system. It also rids the body of dead/injured cells.
Today, day three of our fast, my legs are a little wobbly, but feeling good all over. My upper back was REALLY bothering me Sunday afternoon and evening, but thankfully it started to taper through Monday. Much better today. I've finally learned to not panic when I feel something new, because it will probably pass. No body parts are talking to me today so far (9:00am) except my empty tummy, so that's good. I'm hoping the "bad cells" are a lot more uncomfortable than I am! Michael and I were both quite surprised at last night's "lump check." It was noticeably smaller! I had checked it earlier in the day and noticed it but didn't say anything. Then, while Michael was checking it he said, "Hm!" I replied, "That's what I thought, too!" That's the fasting, it happened last time, too, but had grown larger since then. I'm not sure that I can pull ahead without adding a few things to my regimen. That's okay, I don't mind adding, but am looking for clarity on whether I need to.
We're both still optimistic. My energy has been good almost the whole time (two months), including right now. I'm also digging the side benefit of fitting into some smaller clothes from the back of the closet. I'm down 19 lbs since the diagnosis two months ago, but the last five lbs have been during this fast, so a few of those will come back. Nothing to worry about.
Last time, after our 3-day fast, my energy plummeted for a few days. I assumed that was my immune system hogging all my energy to rebuild itself. We'll see if that happens again this time.
I'm over half way through my 90 days of self-treatment, culminating in a follow-up scan on May 21 to see how things are going. Meanwhile, looking forward to breaking our fast with veggie juice and salad for dinner tonight!
Photo: Didn't have a pic of anything pertaining to this post, so here's one of our patio weeds that are looking great after all the rain. Green and even blossoming!
I believe that weed is in keeping with your latest decor: called Cranesbill!